Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Does a Glass of Wine a Day Keep the Doctor Away?

We have all grown up hearing, “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”, but what about a glass of wine instead? The answer is yes! Recent research suggests that consuming a glass of wine a day may provide numerous health benefits, especially red wine. Within the past ten years, research has suggested that a moderate intake of alcohol in general will improve cardiovascular heath, so much so that Harvard researcheslisted it as one of the “eight proven ways to reduce coronary heart diseaserisk”. However more recent research has shifted its focus to find that more specifically, the antioxidants (termed flavonoids) in the skin and seeds of red grapes makes red wine the most beneficial alcoholic beverage for promoting heart health. The flavonoids are proven to reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), boost HDL (good cholesterol) and reduce blood clotting.

Additional research has begun to reveal that the health benefits of wine in moderation far exceed heart health. Studies indicate that wine’s ability to reduce blood clotting and blood vessel inflammation also prevents cognitive decline; promoting a better memory! When women in their seventies participated in a memory quiz, results showed a positive correlationbetween high scores and the consumption of one or more glasses of wine a day byparticipants. The antioxidant resveratrol, also found in the skin of red grapes, may also promote improved memory function by aiding in the formation of nerve cells. In addition resveratrol may have tumor inhibition properties in some cancers.

The more research that is being conducted on the health benefits from a glass of wine, the more shocking discoveries are being made. Some others include decreasing the risk of infections by certain bacteria and germs, promoting healthy bone production in women, and even burning extra calories! Of course, as with most finding such as this one, moderation is key! Four ounces of wine is considered one serving. For woman, researches suggest one serving a day, and for men one to two servings a day. It is important to stress that once you exceed these suggested serving amounts, it is no longer considered “moderate drinking”, and the “occasional or binge drinkers” that consume three or more drinks a day actually have increased mortality rates and health complications.

Posted by Kristen Whitehead (3)


  1. It's great to hear about the many positive effects of drinking wine in moderation. I wonder if drinking white wine would be beneficial as well or if it has different or less pronounced benefits from the red wine you mentioned.

    Morgan Matuszko

    1. Until recently research suggested that the benefits from wine primarily come from the antioxidants in their skins, but the skins are quickly separated out during the making of most white wines. however recently new evidence suggests the pulp of grapes appears to be just as heart healthy as the skins! So great news, since i prefer white wine myself!

  2. This is great news. I think I need to up my intake of red wine. I'm really surprised that it aids in bone production as well as burning extra calories. That seems very counter intuitive to what I would expect from red wine. Awesome post.

    Posted by: Kirk MacKinnon

    1. thank you! I was very pleasantly surprised also.

  3. Articles like these are always fun to read, because who knew that a drink that you drink to have fun also has health benefits? I was wondering do you think that maybe beer also has benefits or is it just wine?

    Posted by Jacob Geier

    1. Yes! Although beer doesn't have the same antioxidants found in grapes, there are studies that show the high levels of silicon are linked to bone health. Beer is also good for heart health, healthier kidneys, brain health, boosting vitamin levels, among others.

  4. "Good news everyone!" WIne is delicious, I'm a big fan and the heart benefits of having red wine in moderation are well known..plus its a great source of antioxidants! does it get any better? Great article thanks for the post.
