Plight of World’s
Forests Not as Grim as Expected
Deforestation is a significant
ecological problem across the world, affecting not only the organisms that
reside there but endangering the planet as a whole as well. Huge swaths of rain
forest, predominantly in
and Southeast Asia, are cleared every year to open up land for farms and urban
developments. This has been cited as a major contribution to the rising levels
of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because up to a quarter of the planet’s
carbon absorption has been attributed to the world’s forests. But according to
newly published research data, the situation might not be quite as bad as we
Using some new and very useful
technology, researches have been able to reconstruct the trends in the rise and
fall of organic
aboveground biomass across the globe. The technology is called
passive microwave remote sensing, which involves measuring the changes in
radio-frequency radiation being emitted from the Earth’s surface using
satellites. This technology allowed researchers to organize the data
month-to-month and observe the trend over the past two decades. What their
results yielded surprised them: the biomass had increased by nearly 4 billion
tonnes of carbon since 2003. They observed substantial loss of biomass in the
rainforests of South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia as expected, but the
new technology showed astonishing regrowth of forests in places like China and
Russia. It also allowed researchers to measure the growth of biomass in
scrubland and savannah habitats, where the previous methods only monitored
closed forest systems. As a result, they found that the biomass in such
habitats had increased sharply to the point that it offset the loss of such
substantial areas of rain forest. The most polarizing data came from Australia,
a place where the world thought was the epicenter of the drastic side effects
of climate change. While there was some loss of biomass in the more populace
areas of southeastern Australia, the dry scrublands of the northern “bush”
areas have experienced large increases in biomass. The researchers attribute
this to the increase in rainfall in these areas, as well as the fact that plant
species in these areas are generally better at water retention and carbon
While this
is very encouraging news, we’re still not out of the woods. This is a step in
the right direction but still does not even approach a solution to the issue of
rising greenhouse gas emissions. This article grabbed my attention because I
have spent substantial time in the beautiful bushland of northern Queensland and
was surprised that such a seemingly sparse landscape could in fact be
compensating in some ways for disappearing rain forests elsewhere. But at the
same time there is still so much more that can be done. What are your thoughts?
Do you have any opinions or ideas elicited by the article, or just about
climate change in general?
- Ian Mallor, Group B
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your perspective on this subject. It's definitely reassuring news, but still leaves room for questions, as you mentioned. I feel like this article encourages those who don't believe in climate change to continue on with their false beliefs. I wonder how long plants will be able to continue this trend of CO2 absorption before deforestation does take its toll on biodiversity. It mentioned in the article that enclosed forests were previously studied, but that this article focused primarily on larger stretches of land, such as the African savanna. What is the average trend for loss of biodiversity between these two different biomes? Thanks!
ReplyDelete-Rebecca Quirie