Are Carnivorous Plants
Cursed by God?
Ron Dudek, a creationist who
writes for, claims that carnivorous plants are a reminder
of how cursed our sinful world is. Genesis 1:11-13, 29-31
says that all plants were initially “good” and were put on this planet to feed humans. However, the world changed for the worse because of
Adam’s sins in the Garden of Eden. God then cursed our earth and created thorny and carnivorous plants. This article specifically talks about the
pitcher plant native to Australia, Cephalotus
follicularis, or the Western Australian pitcher plant.
The pitcher plant has a
pitcher-like shape with a partially open lid on top. The plant has bristles
that point upward, leading the insect to the opening of the pitcher. Around the
rim, there are thorns that point into the pitcher, making it difficult for the
insect to escape once inside. The inside of the pitcher contains digestive enzymes
that breakdown the insect so the plant can absorb the nutrients. If anyone has
ever taken a plant biology class, you know that carnivorous plants have evolved
these numerous strategies to trap and eat their prey as a result of living in
low-nutrient soil. While the article acknowledges that the reason that the
plant needs to supplement its diet with insects is due to the poor soil it
lives in, it ignores that these adaptions evolved over millions of years and
instead claims it was by intelligent design. Not surprisingly, this article cites no
other sources besides the Bible since most of the article is opinion. There is also one poorly made video at the
bottom of the article that discusses some other carnivorous plants, but does
not seem to mention anything about God or the Bible. Both the article and the
video explain the mechanisms of carnivorous plants in a relatively scientific
way, but they cite no sources. The author of the article ties all the actual science back to God cursing these plants because of Adam. There is no mention of the disbelief of evolution in the article, but it is clear the author believes it was an act of God, not science. He also believes that it is possible to return to a state of an un-cursed Earth. Whether he believes the 600 or so species of carnivorous plants will become extinct as soon as God deems the Earth un-cursed is unknown.
Posted by Jordan Milone (C)
Picture Source:
The reasoning behind carnivorous plants is almost laughable to a person who has been exposed to science and evolution. It might be easily believable to people who have little background in science and have a deep faith and believe in the Bible. That is why sites like these are concerning and that there is a need for more education on evolution.
ReplyDeletePosted by Leah DeLorenzo (group A)
Exactly! Anyone who has ever taken an introductory biology class knows that carnivorous plant mechanisms are not something that form on command, but instead form over millions of years of evolving. People have every right to keep their faith, but they shouldn't be ignoring facts and spreading the ignorance.
DeletePosted by Jordan Milone (3)
Evolution is a theory not a fact. Fyi
DeleteThis line of thought is incredibly convoluted, even in terms of biblical logic. Scientifically, the idea that, due to the sin of two people, some plants became carnivores overnight is ridiculous. While the idea that a plant may have started as a photosynthetic organism and became a carnivorous one is not far off the mark, it takes millions of year or the change to occur. Biblically, while I do not remember much of the story, I do remember that after the original sin, man was exiled from eden, we had to grow our own wheat for bread, child birth became painful, and other inconvenient/ painful changes occurred. The thorns I could understand, however I do not see how a C. follicularis, or any other carnivores plant, is meant to punish man. Both scientific as well as biblical sense seem to be missing from this article.
ReplyDeletePosted by Logan Lassin (2)
I think the author way trying to say that carnivorous and thorny plants are a punishment for humans because we can no longer eat them. Apparently every plant was available for us to eat before the original sin. Even so, there are definitely flaws in his logic and there is no scientific proof to back up what he's saying.
DeletePosted by Jordan Milone (3)
Because God did not just cures humans he also cursed the ground that the plants grow out of... seems like science just proves the bible correct sense your evolution theory clames the evolved due to bad soil... wow telling the same story just leaving God out of it. The soil was bad because God cured it. Sounds like science is the proof. If only science and spiritual realities could learn from eachother rather than always trying to disprove each other. It's like a bad marriage were two can't seem to communicate. The bible is real and so is science, they belong together not separate 💯
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