Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Horses the Awesome Creatures

Horses the Awesome Creatures

     Back in history till now, horses are known to represent freedom, strength and beauty. Helen Thompson said “In riding a horse, we borrow freedom”. This blog is going to represent fun and interesting facts about horses and horse psychology to introduce readers to these fascinating creatures that have a special place on this planet and in people’s mind.


     Horses evolved over the past 45-55 million years to a large single-toed creature after being a small multi-toed animal, its anatomy changed in size and shape to make it efficient for speed to escape from predators that can be present in the wild. Variety of marks, behaviors, colors and characteristics distinguish each breed of horses. Some horses are bred to carry and pull heavy machines and tools, other horses were bred to tolerate the hot weather and limited water availability, others for speed. Horses are used in many different fields: horse-riding competitions, police work, agriculture, entertainment and therapy, but also were used in war and that led to near extinction of some breeds back in history. Horse pregnancy last for approximately 11 months resulting in usually one foal and rarely twin foals. Horses age can roughly be determined by inspecting their teeth size and shape, but diet and dental care can affect it. Horses have the largest eyes between all land mammal, even bigger than elephant’s eyes, positioned on the sides of the head giving more than 350 degrees of vision range, but they have weak depth perception that’s why horses avoid stepping on a small puddle of water on the road, not knowing if this is a deadly deep water or not. Horses ears can rotate separately giving the horse the ability to hear 360 degrees without moving the head. In addition, horses rely heavily on their ears to detect noises all around and run away if a threatening sound came up. As a general rule horses are afraid instinctively of everything that moves or makes a noise (which sometimes can be as simple as a plastic bag). Horses can sleep standing up or lying down. A horse lying down is a sign of comfort if the horse is perfectly healthy because every uncomfortable horse will always be in the ready to flight position by standing up. Horses can stand on 2 legs for a short period of time only, used in the wild for fighting with other males. Last thing is that riding horse is a sport activity, fun and incredible experience that everyone should have it.

     I would encourage everyone to learn about these beautiful, strong and free animals, and learn how fascinating their psychology and behaviors are by watching them. Horses can teach a lot of things that keeps you going in life and are one of the most popular and special domestic animals. Let’s go ride horses!
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse

Posted by Jad Imad (5)


  1. Learned a lot about horses here. Didn't know they had the largest eyes of all land mammals. Very interesting fact!

    Posted by Josha Cruz

    1. yes, horses actually have the quickest reaction to run in mammals , so this eye physiology makes it more effective to see predators and act quickly to not be eaten in the wild.

      Posted by "Jad Imad"

  2. Horses have been used as a mode of transport for a very long time in many different time periods and by many different cultures. It is safe to assume that horses are necessary and have been a staple to society just as cattle or other farm animals. Horses really are interesting creatures and this blog has taught me more about these great animals.
    Posted by Edwin Montecinos

    1. I am glad that you appreciated more horses now. There were the main and only transportation method used even in fire departments to move water containers and put down fire. I know motor vehicle now are the main mode of transportation but in some villages they kept the tradition and still use horses believe it or not.

      Posted by "Jad Imad"

  3. I never knew that when horses are unhealthy they always stay on their hooves and stand upright. Whats even more fascinating is how horses can lay completely flat, I for one have never seen a horse lay down! There are so many things to learn from this article and have opened my eyes to the fascinating and essential animals they were to history.

    Posted by "Chorryi Chin"

  4. In addition to all that you've noted about the anatomy of a horse it is also interesting how much one can learn about how a hose is feeling based on their ears. When a horse feels threatened by something it will put its ears back and flat against its head. They also have the ability to place their two ears in different directions. When pricked forward they are attentive and alert. they can also place one ear to the side while the other is facing forward. Horses are an amazing species that have the ability to do a multitude of things, as you've said, and one can learn much about their behavior based on their physical features!

    -Maddie Powers
